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color analysis

what is color analysis?

Have you ever seen someone in a color that just looks so beautiful on them, but whenever you try to wear it, it just doesn't look right? Or maybe you're always disappointed when that hair color you loved just doesn't look the same on you as it did the girl on pinterest? That's because we each have a personal color palette associated with 1 of 16 color seasons. As a Certified Color Analsyst, I can help you find yours! Based on your results, if you choose, I can create a custom hair color suited to you, your unique coloring,

and your lifestyle.

With Color Analysis, you can say goodbye to:

  • Shopping stress. Shop with confidence, knowing what colors work for you and which ones don't.
  • Trend fatigue. As trends come and go faster than you can blink, it can be exhausting wondering if a trend will work for you. From hair color to clothes and makeup, approach trends with ease knowing what to take and what to leave.
  • Identity Crisis. With social media, it's all too common that we are trying to look like others and quickly the reflection in the mirror doesn't match what you feel like makes you, you. Understanding your colors can help bring harmony to your idea of self.


Your Color Analysis includes a full report of your individual analysis with clear explanations of the process (if done virtually, in person we go through the process together), a breakdown of your personal season with information such as best colors and neutrals, best metals for jewelry, and makeup colors, and a Digital Palette you can download directly to your phone as well as a Swatch Wallet of your colors sent directly to you so that you can shop with confidence. 


*Based on your results, if we find your current hair color is not right for you, you will receive $20 off your hair service if you book within 14 days of receiving your results!

Need more info? Head to my Instagram (bottom of the page) for more!

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